


The Dumb Song - AJR【歌詞和訳】

The Dumb SongAJRオルタナティブ¥255provided courtesy of iTunes Oh, in my head 俺の頭ん中 You said with certainty はっきり言ってたね I may be the dumbest person that you've ever seen 今まで見た中で俺が1番バカな奴かもって You think you're hur…

Yes I'm a Mess - AJR【歌詞和訳】

Yes I'm A MessAJRオルタナティブ¥255provided courtesy of iTunes I leave my house at three o'clock 3時ちょうどに家を出る With two hundred texts and two missed calls 200件のメッセージ通知と2件の着信 Guess all of the friends that I pissed off …

World's Smallest Violin - AJR【歌詞和訳】

World's Smallest ViolinAJRポップ¥255provided courtesy of iTunes My grandpa fought in World War II おじいちゃんは第二次世界大戦で戦った He was such a noble dude とても高貴なやつだった I can't even finish school 僕は学校すら卒業できてないし …